Our Pillars
Every effort of Beta Chi Theta is made to strengthen the brotherhood shared among our members. Brotherhood is what connects the hearts and souls of each one of our members and is unmatched by any other fraternity or organization. Our brotherhood is a tenacious bond based on intangible and invaluable principles that go beyond friendship. This is something that lasts for a lifetime and can never be diminished.
Our brotherhood is a singularity that transcends all ideological, economic, religious, and cultural differences. It overlooks trivial dissidence and superficial differences. In Beta Chi Theta, brotherhood means family. As a family, we offer unconditional assistance to one another in times of need, regardless of the circumstance and without consideration of personal cost.
Brotherhood is the essence of this fraternity and is solidified into our foundation every day by every brother that echoes our motto:
“Above all else, brotherhood.”
Beta Chi Theta’s traditions are what link each brother from class to class and from chapter to chapter, further reinforcing the kindred spirit each of us share. These traditions and rituals will continue to connect each new pledge class with even the oldest brothers, spanning generations as our fraternity expands into the future.
While Beta Chi Theta is constantly innovating and reinventing itself, we maintain the rich traditions that have developed and maintained this Grand Fraternity and esteemed Brotherhood. Tradition helps us stay close to our values and is the underlying cause for our growth and success. We consistently look for new ideas while still paying homage and respect to our past. This tradition of excellence has made Beta Chi Theta what it is today.
Service To Humanity
Although Beta Chi Theta is labeled as a “Social” fraternity, the Brothers of Beta Chi Theta firmly believe in the principle of service to humanity, a humbling principle that makes every brother aware of the blessings they have and the responsibility to help the less fortunate. While it is unfortunate that we live in a world where underprivileged people experience the hardships of everyday life, this principle makes every brother aware of the difficulties faced by so many.
By seeing these situations around us, a brother of Beta Chi Theta can help those around him. The average fraternity member participates in approximately 10 hours of service a year, while the brothers of Beta Chi Theta exceed this amount by participating in a minimum of 20 service hours per year.
To this date, Beta Chi Theta has tens of thousands of documented hours of community service all over the country. Beta Chi Theta has participated in and organized some of the most innovative service events such as Beating Heart Disease Week, Hoops 4 Hopes, Quarters Against Cancer, Boys and Girls Club, Convalescent Homes, and many more.
Working together on such events not only benefits worthy causes, but also fosters personal growth and greater unity among brothers. As time progresses and brothers get more creative as service directors, our helping hand will be able to stretch farther then ever imagined.
South Asian Awareness
In an era where South Asians are a recognized minority in the United States, Beta Chi Theta has sought to make individuals more conscious of the culture and heritage of this region. By raising this consciousness, the future of the culture is preserved for future generations. While Beta Chi Theta is based as a South Asian interest fraternity, our Brotherhood is abundant with diversity. The fraternity boasts brothers from every ethnicity, religion, and background including but not limited to the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America.
Beta Chi Theta celebrates and encourages this variety because it establishes a deep respect for humanity. The shared interest in South Asian culture is what brings our members together. This is what motivates them to educate and inform others to help them become more aware of the cultural richness of South Asia. Beta Chi Theta’s chapters/colonies hold South Asian Awareness Week on their respective campuses to advance knowledge and involvement in South Asian culture. In addition, many brothers hold memberships in various South Asian organizations and other key cultural groups on campus.
Academic Excellence
The eight founding fathers saw within their vision to expand to some of the most prestigious schools with the most intelligent and intuitive gentlemen. Our Brothers are well prepared to enter the professional world well before they graduate, which is a testament to the level of academic accomplishment that is instilled in all of our gentlemen. Academics are the number one priority for our members, and we pride ourselves in this fact.
Our brothers are able to successfully achieve their professional aspirations. Our chapters maintain among the highest GPAs at their host institutions, as well as actively participate and organize educational programs for themselves as well as the local community.
Nationwide Network
The Gentlemen of Beta Chi Theta belong to some of the most prestigious universities and corporations all over the world. From coast to coast, you will always be in contact range with Brothers across the country. This network gives you a favorable advantage in diverse areas including the job market, business endeavors, the local community, and higher education pursuits.
With a network that is growing every year, more and more opportunities unfold in the midst of our organization. This extensive network has already aided hundreds of brothers in pursuing their professional aspirations and in becoming leaders in their community. Beta Chi Theta has an active alumni program that ensures that our alumni are still active within the fraternity, opening up opportunities for career mentoring and networking.