Give Back to the Fraternity
Your Financial Support is Key
With your donation, you will help subsidize chapter operations, national convention, and support for the undergraduate and alumni experience. Money received will be allocated towards the following areas and projects:
Chapter Operation Assistance
Chapter Operation Assistance
National Convention
Academic Scholarships
National Board Expenditures
Chapter Operation Assistance
All chapters will need financial assistance from time to time for a variety of reasons. Helping to finance regional conferences and purchasing marketing materials for recruitment are just a few ways that a National Board subsidy could help a chapter grow and thrive. Especially for recruitment related events, smaller chapters may struggle to cover the costs of necessary materials such as t-shirts, banners, and other fraternity merchandise.
With the Chapter Operation Assistance fund, chapter executive boards will have the ability to send funding requests to the National Board describing the amount of money needed as well as its purpose. Depending on the validity of the request, the National Board can approve, alter, or deny the request.
National Convention
The annual National Convention is a chance for active brothers and alumni to come together and interact on a face-to-face basis. In years past, the national convention has been primarily funded on an individual basis with brothers covering the bulk of travel and lodging costs out-of-pocket. Because of the financial burden, many brothers, especially those that are current students, are unable to attend.
To make a recurring donation, please use the form below:
For many of you that attended previously as undergraduates and alumni, the National Convention was likely integral to fostering your network within the fraternity and helped grow your appreciation for our nationwide network. By coming together once a year, brothers from coast-to-coast were able to develop bonds that would last a lifetime. It is this experience and tradition we hope to carry on for as many brothers as possible.
The National Convention fund will seek to lower the cost for all of those attending by subsidizing venue and event fees while also providing additional financial assistance to brothers that may need it. As it is one of the most important fraternity events of the year, we hope that we can gradually increase attendance and engagement in the future, building a stronger nationwide network and sense of brotherhood.
Despite having a national philanthropy, fraternity charity efforts have primarily been driven by chapter-level fundraising. While more established chapters may find it easier to host important fundraising events and collect donations, our fraternity has collectively struggled to make significant charitable contributions in the past several years.
The Philanthropy fund seeks to change this and drive more financial resources towards humanitarian efforts, re-emphasizing our fraternity value of service to humanity. Rather than placing the burden solely on individual chapters, alumni nationwide can show their support by contributing directly to the fraternity’s current national philanthropic cause.
As we begin to transition towards focusing on men’s mental health as our national philanthropy effort, we also hope to allocate funds to help smaller chapters pursue community education about our supported cause and relevant internal resources for brothers.
Academic Scholarships
Despite having academic preeminence as one of our fraternity’s key values, we have not successfully rewarded those that have demonstrated academic success at the chapter or individual level. The Academic Scholarship seeks to provide financial incentives to individual chapters and brothers who demonstrate consistent commitment to their scholastic engagements. We hope that this will encourage brothers to re-prioritize school to set themselves up for a better future in the long-term Furthermore, we hope to introduce scholarships named after significant donors and their families to create a lasting legacy for brothers generous enough to pay it forward into the future.
National Board Expenditures
Because we operate at a higher level, many chapters have reported feeling disconnected from the National Board. One of the main ways we hope to fix this is to have National Board members visit chapters on a more regular basis, visiting during key chapter events or regional conferences. This allows the Board to gain valuable perspective and allows brothers to interact with fraternity leaders.
The National Board Expenditure fund will serve to subsidize costs related to members of the National Board traveling to visit these local chapters as well as any other miscellaneous spending the Board may need, such as hosting face-to-face meetings and paying for key organizational tools and services.
Giving Back to Alumni
As this fundraising initiative is in its infancy, we have yet to finalize a donor rewards program for alumni contributors. In addition to assisting the fraternity and its operations, we are hoping to roll out some of the following incentives:
Optional donor recognition on the fraternity website and social media
Alumni events and programming
Promotion of brother-owned businesses and merchandise
These are a few of our brainstormed ideas which we hope to start actually implementing throughout the remainder of 2022 and 2023. The speed at which these rewards are deployed, and their value will depend on the amount of funds we are able to raise.
To make a one-time donation, please use the button below.