Our History
The Beginning
In the spring of 1999, eight young men had a vision to create a social fraternity steeped in South Asian culture. The founding of Beta Chi Theta served as the embodiment of the brotherly bond shared by these eight men.
After months of diligent, dedicated, and passionate effort to lay the groundwork for Beta Chi Theta, the University of California Los Angeles officially recognized Beta Chi Theta as a fraternity on June 2nd, 1999 and granted it membership into the university’s Interfraternity Council.
While the inception of our fraternity began months prior to June 2nd, 1999, that date was officially chosen as our brotherhood’s official founding date, commemorating the hard work the establishment of our fraternity, becoming the first and only South Asian Fraternity in the country to be a part of the Interfraternity Council.
The eight young men, still known and recognized as our National Founding Fathers are:
Abu Abraham
Hashu Datwani
Samir Khandhar
Ankur Kumar
Ashish Nagdev
Ankur Parikh
Roshan Patel
Ali Zhumkhawala
The Expansion
One year later, moved by the vision of brotherhood in Los Angeles , seven young men at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, became the first expansion project of our organization, coming together to form the Beta Chapter.
Now with strong roots in California and Texas, Beta Chi Theta’s growth gradually became nationwide. Through a careful and diligent expansion process, we stretched from coast to coast, with each expansion bringing the fraternity’s positive influence to a new campus. Since our inception in 1999, the fraternity has expanded to over 30 universities and has inducted over 2,000 members.
The Legacy
As we expanded rapidly, the leaders of Beta Chi Theta understood the need to take the organization to the next level. In 2003, soon after the organization’s fourth anniversary, the first National Convention was held.
The first National Convention brought together brothers from chapters and colonies across the nation and provided the perfect platform for another historic achievement - the establishment of the National Board. With a focus on advancing the fraternity and overseeing the organization’s big picture goals, the National Board worked diligently for the betterment of the organization. In 2004, the fraternity was officially incorporated as Beta Chi Theta National Fraternity, Inc.
In 2003, our National Constitution and Bylaws were written and passed. In 2006, the fraternity officially became a member of the prestigious National Interfraternity Council (NIC), becoming the youngest fraternity in NIC history to do so.
Within a decade, Beta Chi Theta had achieved more than many other Greek organizations had in 100 years.
The Future
Over the past 20 years, we’ve seen this fraternity transform lives and create bonds amongst men, all while preserving the pillars which we hold dear.
As we continue to move forward, careful direction, active leadership, and the conviction of our leaders will guide our grand fraternity into the next phase of its existence.
Beta Chi Theta will never waiver from its purpose and mission to mold young men into gentlemen of character, class, conviction, and charisma.